We bring your entire family together to discuss an issue that is impacting your business or family harmony. We use our Family First Consulting Process to help you uncover what is causing the issue. Our recommendations focus on strategies that you can use to setup a framework to keep the conversations going. The process involves all family members and is highly confidential.


The three circle model for Family Enterprise was developed by Professor Renato Taguiri and John Davis back in 1978. This model is used to help explain family business system and the dynamics and issues that can arise as a result of the paradoxes and interests of each group.​
"We use the Three Circle Model to help identify the boundaries and roles and responsibilities of each group in the family business system. This simple tool can bring clarity to some of the issues you may be facing."
Answer these questions to find out?
1. Does your family have internal conflict around the business? Who gets to work in the business and who doesn't? Or perhaps you have no conflict at all around the business. This could mean you are not talking about important things that could be lingering below the surface.
2. Are there family members working in the business who are not in the right place but you don't know how to fix it?
3. Is decision making in your business impacted by family dynamics?
4. Do you know who will lead the family business next? Is your business prepared should the current leader suffer an illness or unexpectedly pass away?
5. Do you feel like the business is impacting family harmony and contentment?
6. Are there issues around fair versus equal with regard to the family wealth?
Are you finding yourself facing these issues? If so, give us a call to chat!
Whatever the size of your business or whether you are in the startup phase or mature stage, you have a family who are likely the heart and soul of what you do. We specialize in working with small startup entrepreneurial clients up to small-medium sized businesses with multiple employees!